Friday, July 16, 2010

New website


I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new website.  Come over and have a look at


Saturday, July 3, 2010

I have not abandoned you....

Have been trying to figure out whether I should continue this blog as I have my new website and adjoining blog launching shortly - mid July. So - I have not abandoned this place but am planning for the longer term.  Stick with me.....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Long weekend

Half way through the long weekend and feel like I've been hit by a bus. Am perhaps guilty of 'wanting it all' at the moment by painting in the evenings and getting hooked again on running - in the mornings before work. Result = total exhaustion. It's super to have three days over the long holiday weekend to recharge the batteries before the work week starts again on Tuesday. Have been really fortunate over the past few days to receive some encouraging notes from friends via Facebook on launching my blog. I suspect that a few have the desire to also start 'something' but like me, for so long, didn't know how and why? I've been taking an online e-course which has motivated me to start thinking in much broader terms. Check out the button on the home page of my blog to see what the course is all about. It's being run by Kelly Rae Roberts, an artist that I think is totally cool. Every day I log into the site and read the daily blog and hints/tips on how to deliver my creative dream. Am completely inspired......

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Baby steps

Well here goes....I just created my blog and now the work (if you can call it that) really starts...have been thinking a lot about my creative self...where will this all lead? Am painting frantically to prepare for the NZ Art Show, here in Wellington, at the end of July. It's been tough working and caring for my family and painting...but I love it. All of this is totally worth it. I added this pic of a painting I finished a short time ago called Welcome Mat. Seems appropriate to use this image in my first post.
